EM Probate Solutions
Having the right professionals in your corner makes all the difference when you are faced with a difficult situation. After losing my father a few years ago I was faced with a similar situation as yours. My mother was named as the personal representative of my father’s estate and she didn’t know where to start. I let her know that we would get everything figured out. After going through all of this with her I decided that this was a real and valuable service that many others needed as they were going through the same transitionary time. I built my team of local professionals to help individuals and families that are faced with the challenges associated with the probate process. The legal aspect of probate only makes up about 25% of the process, the other 75% is left up to the personal representative. We help both personal representatives and probate attorneys by bridging this gap. We can assist with both personal and real property, estate sales, repairs and renovations, senior moving and we can even help with estate planning so you and your family won’t ever have to go through the probate process ever again. Don’t stress about the details, you will be in great hands with any service provider that I recommend to you, and we’ll always work together for you!
Dave Gwinn
Certified Probate Expert
(800) 422-8099